- Samfélag og einstaklingar
- Vinnumarkaður
- Þjónustugátt
Umsóknir um styrkinn þurfa að berast fyrir 19. nóvember á netfangið felaghaskolakvenna@felaghaskolakvenna.is
Umsóknin þarf að innihalda, fullt nafn, kennitölu, staðfestingu á skólavist. Einnig þarf að berast stutt umsögn þar sem fram kemur hvernig styrkurinn getur nýst í náminu.
Félag Íslenskra háskólakvenna:
University Grant
International Federation of University Women announces grant application of 150.000.- kr. The grant is for women of foreign origin, who pursue higer education in Iceland but are not eligible for student loan at LÍN.
Applications for the grant must be received by 19th of November by email: felaghaskolakvenna@felaghaskolakvenna.is
The application must contain full name, ID number (kennitala) and a confirmation of admission at an university. A brief comment stating how the grant can be helpfull is also required.
International Federation of University Women: