Ráðstefna um fíknistefnu, mannréttindi, skaðaminnkun og kyn

Á vegum RIKK og Rótarinnar:


Alþjóðleg ráðstefna um fíknistefnu, mannréttindi, skaðaminnkun og kyn, Treading the Path to Human Rights. Gender, Substance Use and Policy in Welfare States, verður haldin dagana 17.–18. október 2023 á Hotel Reykjavik Grand. Ráðstefnudagskrá er frá kl. 8.30 til 16.40 þriðjudaginn 17. október og vinnustofur frá 8.30 til 11.45 miðvikudaginn 18. október.

Dagskrá ráðstefnunnar hefur nú verið birt á heimasíðu RIKK: https://rikk.hi.is/treading-the-path-to-human-rights/. Skráningarfrestur er til 13. október.



Treading the Path to Human Rights. Gender, Substance Use and Policy in Welfare States

The international conference Treading the Path to Human Rights. Gender, Substance Use and Policy in Welfare States takes place 17–18 October 2023 at Hotel Reykjavik Grand. The conference programme starts at 8.30 and ends at 16.40 on Tuesday 17 October and the following day there will be two workshops, from 8.30 to 11.45.

The conference programme is now available on RIKK’s website: https://rikk.hi.is/treading-the-path-to-human-rights/. Registration is open through 13 October.